31. Ângelo Sabino - WAG Artistic Gymnastics Coach - Youth National Team of Brazil

Show notes

Today, we have the privilege of speaking with one of the fundamental pillars of women’s artistic gymnastics in Brazil: coach Ângelo Sabino. @angelosabino2020

As one of the coaches of Brazil's junior women’s national team and an expert in uneven bars at the prestigious #Flamengo, Sabino has an unparalleled track record in Rio.

In this interview, Ângelo will share with us his vision on high-performance training, the sports structure in Brazil, and his commitment to the future of Brazilian women’s artistic gymnastics. Additionally, we will delve into his latest experience as a coach in Jesolo, Italy.

Don’t miss this fascinating conversation as we explore the vibrant world of gymnastics in South America and beyond!

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Gymnastics Coaches of the World
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