1. Shun Tomizawa "From Japan, through Canada and into Germany" S1xE1

Show notes

Ex Gymnast of Sendai University🍀
Japanese Artistic Gymnastics Coach From Tokio🇯🇵
MAG Artistic Gymnastics Coach in Halifax, Canada🇨🇦
Artistic Gymnastics Coach in Netphen, Germany - SKV - Turnen 🇩🇪

Today we leave you this incredible episode from Germany to Dubai with a Japanese coach Shun Tomizawa, who from Tokyo, travelled to Hallifax Canada, and then to Germany to learn more about gymnastic culture and new training methods worldwide.

We invite you to know his history, anecdotes, methods and experience in this incredible chapter. Enjoy it.

0- Why you are a Coach?
1- What does that mean for you be a Coach?
2- Instagram Shun Gym
3- Visit 100 Gymnastics Club
4- Canada and English
5- Japanese Philosophy
6- Gymnastics like a great sports education system
7- Ride on a bicycle around Japan or travel to Canada?
8- Don't waste your time
9- Halifax and Canadian Gymnastics Culture
10-Japanese competition System
11- German Bundesliga
12- Japanese Twisting techniques
13- Helping coaches to make better gymnasts
14- Future
15- Information + Experience
16- Communication with your athletes






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#entrenadorpanamá #entrenadorlatino #sudamerica #sudamérica #entrenadorsantiago #shungym #dtb #germany #shuntomizawa #sendaiuniversity

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